▶ adjective
tending or able to change frequently or easily: it is difficult to comprehend the whole of this protean subject.
■ able to do many different things; versatile: protean thinkers who scan the horizons of work and society.
– origin late 16th century: from Proteus + -an.
(2010). In Stevenson, A. (Ed.), Oxford Dictionary of English.
GNW 2025 is about celebrating our community, our opportunities and our passions. The SCA has wonderful array of skills to learn and activities to pursue – we want to reward those who participate and excel in many of them.
Those who choose to participate in 3 or more competitions over the course of the event will have their 3 highest scores tallied and the overall winner will be named The Powerful Protean for GNW 2025.
Eligible competitions
- Archery – IKAC
- Rapier – Powerful Owl Tourney
- Heavy Combat – Powerful Owl Tourney
- A&S – “Flora & Fauna” or “Dressed for Battle”
- Bardic – TBC
How to enter
If you are interested in competing for the Powerful Protean Prize, you will able to sign up at the event. Once signed up, you simply need to let the List Officer, Archery Marshal and/or A&S Officer know so they can report your scores to the GNW Event Stewards, who will be compiling overall scores.
The winner of The Powerful Protean for GNW 2025 will be announced at Closing Court on Sunday.