For centuries, millennia even, people have turned to the local marketplace to sell, purchase, or trade goods and services. Open air public markets are said to have been around since ancient times in Babylonia, Greece, Egypt, and China.
Stark, E. (2021, February 21). A History of Shopping, Marketplaces and Experiences, Stark Enterprises
Markets are a wonderful way to highlight the artisans in our community, as well as bolster our treasure troves, and we are now seeking stallholders for GNW 2025.
There will be no additional charge for market stallholders to book a market stall space (3m x 3m). There is limited space for merchants to camp in Merchants Row near the Village Green, which is allocated by priority order of booking. This year, only 2 people per merchant stall will be able to camp at the stall.
There are 4 spots available under a covered pavilion – these are available to market stallholders who are travelling interstate, wishing to have a stall on Market Day only.
Merchants will be listed on the GNW site with contact details and site links once they are booked so you can peruse their wares and plan how best to spend your gold prior to the event!
Tables will be available to hire when booking. Interested stall holders can contact Markets Coordinator – Baroness Josseline de la Cour via gnw-steward@lochac.sca.org for further information.