The Marshal in Charge for the event is Master Wulfric Greycloak – Ron McGovern.
Come back for times and locations of the various heavy combat activities on offer closer to the event.
The following is the list and descriptions of these activities.
Flame Tournament
The Flame Tournament is a heavy tournament run in the dark of the night in a list field surrounded by real fire. Eight grand melee rounds are held where all combatants enter the list field and challenge someone to a one-on-one fight. If you win, you find another to challenge. If you lose, you leave the list field until the next round. Wounds carry within each round, but not between rounds. The final victor of each round is admitted to an eight person semi-final, or nominates someone in their stead if they win more than once. The victor of each round must also sit out the next round before re-joining.

Heavy War
Saturday will see a variety of heavy war scenarios, put together by the event War Marshal, Marquis Bain of Stornoway. This year may also see the re-introduction of siege weapons, overseen by Siege Marshal Baron Dimitri Borodinskii. Huzzah!
Powerful Owl Tournament
The Powerful Owl Tournament with the victor claiming the title of the Powerful Owl for a year. This year we will be holding the Powerful Owl Tourney on the Sunday.