Arts and Sciences is a popular part of the SCA and we are busy planning a wide range of classes and activities for the pleasure of the populace. Class details will be made available by March 2025.
GNW Arts & Science Officer is Lady Nicola de Coventre – Nicola Boyd.

GNW A&S Competitions
This year, there are two Arts & Sciences competitions for you to start working on now and enter at the GNW.
Theme 1: Flora and fauna
With our event site being part of a wildlife rehabilitation area, this theme is about incorporating flora or fauna – flowers or animals – into your entries. Open to all areas of A&S, including garb, embroidery, illumination, jewelry or even prose.
Theme 2: Dressed for battle
War is in the name of our event and this theme is to showcase the fabulous work that goes into dressing for battle. This competition is for anything that is used or worn to compete in tourneys or war – including surcoats, shields, helms, quivers or complete outfits.
Lochac A&S Judging
Lochac A&S judging criteria will be used with prizes for winner of the Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Youth levels.
Entry forms can be downloaded here for submission with your A&S entry.
Populace Judging
This year, the populace will be able to judge for their favourite entries in each theme. When signing into the event, you will receive 2 beads of different colours. Each is used to indicate your favourite – the entries with the most beads in each theme by midday Sunday will be declared winners.