Planning is underway for what archery activities will be held at GNW 2025. Details will be finalised by February 2025.
Archery Marshal is Mistress Ælfgifu of Burnfield – Anita McGovern
The following is the list and descriptions of the different activities that may be on offer.
IKAC (Inter-Kingdom Archery Competition)
An IKAC shoot that is held with Adult/Yeoman/Youth/Child divisions for period and non-period target archery.
The Hunt
There will be two prizes, one each for the top scoring adult and child archers.
Kings Round
Each archer has an agreed number of arrows (often 3) to hit the target, starting at 20yds. If unsuccessful the archer is eliminated. Successful archers move back 10 yards, or the target is moved back 10 yards.
The process is repeated until only one archer is left. In the event of a tie, a count-back is used with the archer hitting the target with the earlier of their 6 attempts being victorious.
Queens Round
A shooting competition that tests target archers accuracy at 30 yards.
Royal Round
A timed shoot competition that tests target archers accuracy under pressure at 40 yards, 30 yards, and 20 yards.
Beginners Class and Shoot
If you would like to learn to be an archer, come along to the beginners class and shoot to try your hand at using a bow and arrow.